
The Proven Technique for Creating a Loyal Clientele in Four Steps: Funneling Leads Into Repeat Customers

Proven Technique


If you’re looking to grow your business, it’s important to know the best way to turn leads into loyal clientele. Focusing on getting new people through your doors is great, but if you don’t have anything for them when they get there, they’ll probably never come back and you’ll have wasted a lot of time and money trying to bring them in. But one excellent tactic for turning some of those leads from your website traffic into loyal clientele is using WhatsApp marketing—and we can show you how!

Start with a giveaway.

WhatsApp giveaway

There is no better way to get people to try your product and start building a relationship than by giving them something for free. This can be in the form of an ebook, course, or guide on how to solve their problem. You should also make sure you have a sign-up form on your website so that they can subscribe to your email list while they’re there.

If you’re selling software or services, give away a trial version of your product (or even just the first chapter) so that people can see if it works for them before deciding whether or not they want to invest any money into it.

Offer something useful, not just discounts.

Giving away a free report, trial or service is an excellent way to get people interested in your company.

You can offer it on your website, social media accounts and through email marketing campaigns. You can give people a discount coupon for the first 10 clients who take you up on this offer as well. If you’re feeling ambitious, create an entire page of helpful resources that ties into your business model (like real estate agents who could offer buyers and sellers general tips about buying/selling properties).

Get them to subscribe and use their phone number.

  • Ask them to subscribe to your newsletter.
  • Ask them to give you their phone number and use it for discounts or special offers.
  • Offer a freebie or consultation for anyone who does this (this is optional but highly recommended!).

Figure out what else you can offer that your customers will love.

You can offer your customers a variety of things that they will love, such as:

potential clients
  • A free consultation
  • A free trial
  • Both a free consultation and trial

This is where you get to show off your expertise and build trust with your potential clients. They will feel like they are getting value for money, which can help convert even the most skeptical client.

It’s easy to turn some leads from your website traffic into loyal clientele with WhatsApp marketing.

It’s easy to turn some leads from your website traffic into loyal clientele with WhatsApp marketing. This is how it works:

  • Use a giveaway to get people to sign up, like a discount code or an ebook on the topic you’re trying to sell them on (you can also use this as an opportunity for them to subscribe).
  • Offer something useful, not just discounts and giveaways—it should be information-based so that they’ll keep coming back for more! You could give away a free webinar explaining how one of your products works, or even just share some advice about making the most out of their new purchase (e.g., “Make sure you read this guide before starting your business”).
  • Get them to subscribe and use their phone number so that when someone calls or texts them with a message from you or any other number associated with your brand/company/etc., they’ll recognize whose name is being displayed on their phone’s screen and respond accordingly because who wouldn’t want more info about what company X has been promoting lately?
  • . Figure out what else you can offer that will excite your customers; maybe it’s another ebook on related topics, maybe it’s discounts at other places where they do business regularly, maybe it’s exclusive access into beta testing programs like Slack communities where users have discussions related specifically towards whatever niche market belongs within those channels.”


WhatsApp marketing

By using WhatsApp marketing, you can turn some leads from your website traffic into loyal clientele. Send out a welcome message to every new subscriber on WhatsApp and offer them something useful, not just discounts. Then use their phone number so that they can subscribe to your mailing list as well. Next up is figuring out what else you can offer that your customers will love and putting it in place right away!