
Trainer Tips: 6 Examples Of How To Use WhatsApp Marketing To Get New Students

Trainer Tips: 6 Examples Of How To Use WhatsApp Marketing To Get New Students


In today’s world, finding new students is a challenging task. The internet allows us to see all the options that are out there for prospective students, so it’s no wonder that many of them choose to go elsewhere. But what if there was a way for you to reach out directly to those prospective students? What if it wasn’t just about informing them about what you’re offering but actually getting them excited about it and interested in learning more? If this sounds like something you’d be interested in doing then I have good news: there is such a way! And WhatsApp can help make it happen.

WhatsApp can be an effective tool to generate new students.

WhatsApp can be an effective tool to generate new students

WhatsApp is a free messaging app that allows you to send text messages, photos, videos and even files to other users on WhatsApp for free.

With more than one billion monthly active users in more than 180 countries, WhatsApp is an effective tool for reaching new students.

In fact, it’s so useful that some trainers have gone so far as to use the app exclusively for their marketing efforts.

New students, online sales and revenue.

One of the main reasons you should use WhatsApp marketing is because it’s a great way to get new students. As a trainer, you know that getting new students is crucial to your business and this is where WhatsApp will help you out.

New students are important because they’ll bring in revenue for the business by paying for classes or any other activities that need to be done in order for them to learn. In addition, new students help bring more revenue when they refer their friends who also want lessons from you as well as social media followers who see what kind of work you’re doing through your profile pictures on Instagram or Facebook.

Online sales are an important part of any business as well because they allow people from all over the world access products at anytime without having to physically go somewhere close by just so they can purchase something such as t-shirts or DVDs with your logo printed on them along with other promotional materials such as flyers advertising upcoming events related

What makes sales conversion so difficult these days?

What makes sales conversion so difficult these days?

We are living in an age where it has never been easier to compare prices of products and services. In fact, online comparisons are so common that they have become a part of our daily lives.

Imagine this: you’ve just arrived home from work and are looking for somewhere to eat dinner. You have no idea what you want, but you do know that you want something tasty and affordable. So, naturally enough, instead of searching through dozens of restaurant websites individually (and risking getting hungry), you head over to Google Maps because it lets users see menus from local restaurants before visiting them—and maybe even pay ahead if they feel like it!

This same scenario plays itself out all over the world every day as consumers use their phones or laptops as guides in making decisions about purchases they might otherwise consider too risky or time-consuming under normal circumstances. But despite this widespread trend towards online comparison shopping, there’s still one industry where many business owners don’t take advantage: personal training services!

The success of a salesperson is determined by three factors.

The success of a salesperson is determined by three factors

The success of a salesperson is determined by three factors:

  • The ability to communicate effectively
  • The ability to make the right decisions
  • And the ability to motivate and inspire people

You need training to master the art of achieving the three factors.

You need training to master the art of achieving the three factors.

You can learn this from a good coach.

A good coach will help you to identify the factors that are affecting your sales and how to improve them.

The purpose of making successful sales is to get your customers to want what you’re selling.

The purpose of making successful sales is to get your customers to want what you're selling

Selling is a skill, not something that comes naturally to everyone. The best salespeople are able to understand what the customer wants and needs, and then find ways to provide that service or product in an honest and trustworthy way.

The point of selling is not to make money—it’s about helping people. If you’re trying to sell products or services without understanding your customers’ needs and concerns, then you’ll end up losing money because your business will fail.

Sales are not made by informing, but by motivating and inspiring people.

In order to sell successfully, you need to understand the psychology of why people buy. In this section, we’ll talk about how to achieve the three factors that determine whether a customer will purchase your product or service.

Sales are not made by informing, but by motivating and inspiring people
  • Motivation: This is the desire or inclination that causes action and response. It’s what makes people want something in particular instead of other alternatives. For example, I’m motivated by choosing a cupcake over an apple because I love sweets more than fruit (and don’t worry—I also eat plenty of fruits!). When someone tells me about a new ice cream flavor at their local shop, my motivation for trying it increases because I like ice cream even more than cupcakes!
  • Inspiration: This is an idea or feeling which causes another person’s thoughts or actions without being directly communicated by words alone; it’s often felt through images and emotions rather than words. You can inspire others by presenting them with relevant information that helps them make decisions based on their needs and preferences rather than yours alone; remember: customers know best!


Whichever way you look at it, WhatsApp is an excellent tool for marketing. It’s free, easy to use and has a huge audience. So why not give it a try?