
Why WhatsApp Is a Game-Changing Sales Tool for Startups

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WhatsApp is a game-changing sales tool for startups. It offers businesses an easy way to get in touch with their customers, and it has been growing rapidly in popularity over the last few years. With more than 200 million users, WhatsApp has become the most popular messaging app in the world. Here are some of the ways that WhatsApp can help grow your business:

WhatsApp can help you convert more leads.


WhatsApp allows you to connect with your customers on a personal level. It also allows you to send direct messages to your customers, which are much more effective than emails. Not only that, but the messages can be sent at any time and not just at certain times of the day or week. You would also have access to their phone numbers as well as their email addresses, making it easier for you to communicate with them whenever you need it.

Here’s what happens when someone sends an SMS message (a text message) from WhatsApp: When someone sends a text message through WhatsApp, they are instantly notified whether or not it has been delivered successfully. This ensures that there is no confusion about whether or not the recipient received their message successfully or not

With WhatsApp, you can engage customers in a personal way.

With WhatsApp, you can engage customers in a personal way.

  • You can send messages to users who have already engaged with your brand.
  • You can send messages to users who have not yet engaged with your brand, but are on the fence or are likely to do so in the future.
  • You can reach out to users who have not visited your website or downloaded your app, and ask them questions about their needs and desires before they take action on their own accord.

WhatsApp is quick and easy to use.

WhatsApp is an easy-to-use mobile chat app that’s free to download and use. It’s quick to set up, and you can sign in with your phone number or email address. Plus, it’s available on both iOS and Android devices—so there are no compatibility issues.

WhatsApp has been around since 2009 and is used by over 1 billion people worldwide every day. Its messaging platform lets you send messages, photos, videos, voice notes (depending on the device), emojis (of course), GIFs and more—all for free.

The unique feature of WhatsApp is its end-to-end encryption technology which ensures that only the sender and receiver are able to read messages sent between them as they travel across servers in order to get from one person to another.

WhatsApp is a great tool for getting feedback.


[WhatsApp] is a great tool for getting feedback from customers.

It’s simple, easy and fast.

This can be a game-changing way to collect feedback from customers.

With WhatsApp, you can integrate various communication channels.

There are many ways you can integrate WhatsApp with other channels. For instance, if you want to send out automated messages or push notifications, you can do so through your Facebook page or website.

Alternatively, if you think it would be useful for your customers to sign up for updates via SMS message, then that’s easy too! All of these options are available from within the app itself.

Whatsapp is cheaper than other marketing channels.

WhatsApp is free and available on all mobile devices, so there’s no need to worry about cost.

Additionally, you can use WhatsApp to reach people everywhere (not just the US), which means you can target a wider customer base and save money in the process.

Whatsapp is the most popular messaging app in the world.

WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app in the world, with over 1.5 billion monthly active users. It’s also available in many different languages, including English, Spanish and Portuguese (to name just a few).

The biggest markets for WhatsApp are countries like India and Brazil — where there are over 200 million users each — but it’s also incredibly popular in Mexico and Indonesia too.

Whatsapp allows businesses to access a vast market of users with just one simple tool.


Whatsapp is the most popular messaging app in the world and it has a staggering 1.5 billion monthly active users (as of July 2018). The main reason for its popularity is that it’s simple, fast and has a strong user base. This means businesses can reach a huge audience with just one tool. Whatsapp gives you direct access to your customers who are using their mobile devices all day long, so getting their attention is easier than ever before. If you’re looking for ways to improve conversion rates or engage more deeply with existing customers then WhatsApp could be an excellent choice!


In this post, we saw that WhatsApp may be the most cost-effective way to reach potential customers and turn them into leads. It’s easy to use (you probably already use it), has a large audience, and can be used in conjunction with other channels like SMS or social media. It also allows users to engage with brands on a personal level. The main takeaway here is that by using WhatsApp for conversion and engagement purposes, you can access a much larger pool of potential buyers than if you were using other channels alone—and at a lower cost!